The Cougar Kickoff events scheduled this week have been fantastic. All activities are designed to welcome our students back to campus and introduce the campus life. I've tried to make an appearance at many of the great events. As you can see in the picture here, I was one of the volunteers in the dunking booth at the "Wet and Wild Ice Cream Social" on Tuesday.
The annual Welcome Back picnic at the Clock Tower was today. Country's Barbecue and all the student affairs will do it all over again tomorrow for the RiverPark students. Then on Friday, we'll have a big blowout beach party at Callaway Gardens from 2-7 p.m. Check out http://studentlife.colstate.edu/cougarkickoff/ for all the details.
Thanks so much to all our partners for helping make these events a success, and to all the staff people on campus who have worked tirelessly to make the start of the semester a memorable week.
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