Columbus State University colleagues:
It is a great pleasure to share with you some of the detail regarding our recent recognition by
U.S. News and World Report. This acknowledgement reinforces the goal outlined in our strategic plan to elevate our profile and performance in this most important annual assessment. I have provided you with some detailed insights below.

I recently had the opportunity to attend the Georgia Summit Conference with a number of our CSU colleagues. The Georgia Summit included more than 600 University System of Georgia (USG) personnel from Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management, HR and IT. At the conference, Dr. Houston Davis, the USG Chief Academic Officer, delivered an incredibly compelling talk on the Complete College Georgia initiative.
Dr. Davis’ presentation reinforces many of the CSU initiatives that are making a difference in our national recognition and performance in retention, progression and graduation (RPG).
I am sharing Dr. Davis’ presentation (
PPT) for your review.
We should be proud of these efforts, which have apparently been making an impact. Consider these points about Columbus State University:
- Ranked No. 46 among public “regional universities” in the South, and No. 91 among all similarly classified universities in the South, the same ranking as University of West Georgia and Charleston Southern University.
- First time university has ever been recognized by U.S. News and World Report..
- Recognition is overdue and likely responsible to:
- Improved recognition of university and its programs by peers.
- Improved financial resources (expanded CSU Foundation allocation, endowed positions, private sector support for academic programs).
- Alumni giving rate.
- Rankings measure retention rate, 6-year graduation rate, student-faculty ratio, peer assessment, alumni giving rate, and many other factors.
- Many initiatives Columbus State University has under way to improve the university will likely also help the university continue to rise in the rankings. Examples include expanded retention efforts, continuing to increase minimum academic admission requirements, and more flexible degree completion options (Complete College Georgia).
Thank you for all you are doing for our University.